Category: Tree Frogs

  • Do People Keep Poisonous White Tree Frog in Florida

    Though white tree frogs are not native to Florida, you will still see them often there. People like to keep them as pets because of their unique milky white coating. You may wonder why people keep poisonous white tree frogs as pets in Florida. The truth is white tree frogs are not poisonous or toxic.…

  • Are Pacific Tree Frogs Poisonous: Can I Touch Them?

    Pacific tree frogs are small in size, approximately 2 inches. They are of different colors, like green or brown. Some of them can also change their colors. You might find them adorable and would like to take home one of them. But “Are pacific tree frogs poisonous?” Is this thought bothering you? Well, to your…

  • Are Red Eyed Tree Frogs Poisonous: Do They Make Good Pets?

    Red-eyed tree frogs are one of the most adorable frogs. These frogs have bright colors, and their striking red colored eyes give them a vibrant look. It is no surprise if you want to have them as pets. But are red-eyed tree frogs poisonous? Are they safe to keep? Red-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous…

  • Are Black Eyed Tree Frogs Poisonous: Explore the Myths

    Black-eyed tree frogs are adorable. Their round-shaped, bulging eyes will charm you the moment you notice them. However, the thought of “Are black-eyed tree frogs poisonous?” might bother you. The good news is that black-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous to humans. They are mostly found in Central and South America, where most of the…

  • Are Squirrel Tree Frogs Poisonous: Do They Make Safe Pets?

    Frogs make an excellent pet. They do not require much of your attention. You can take care of them during your leisure. Squirrel tree frogs, for example, are also very beautiful. But are squirrel tree frogs poisonous? You do not need to worry about squirrel tree frogs. They are not poisonous. Though they can secrete…

  • Are Cuban Tree Frogs Poisonous: Can You Keep them as Pets?

    Though the Cuban tree frogs originated in Cuba, they are seen in plenty in Florida. You can sometimes even notice them in your toilet. They can use the plumbing system to climb up to your toilet. “Are Cuban tree frogs poisonous?” might be the first question that comes to your mind. Well, no. Cuban tree…

  • Are Gray Tree Frogs Poisonous to Touch? Do they Pose Threat to Humans?

    Young kids, pets have this fascination looking for new things as their playing toys. Most probably, you have already seen your cat or dog chasing after a gray tree frog. It might startle you and make you wonder whether gray tree frogs are poisonous. Well, gray tree frogs are poisonous, but mildly only. They are…

  • Are Green Tree Frogs Poisonous: Is It Safe to Have Them as Pets?

    You must have seen many people keeping frogs as pets these days. Green tree frogs are one of the top choices for keeping as pets. The owners are often seen to let their frogs climb on their hands. You might wonder if this could be dangerous. Well, it depends. Tree frogs are mostly not poisonous.…

  • Do Tree Frogs Eat Butterflies: Healthy Diet for Captive Tree Frogs

    You must have noticed a good number of tree frogs hanging around in your garden. You use pesticides to keep insects away from your garden. It means frogs do not have many insects to eat. Wondering what they feed on? Butterflies in your garden can attract tree frogs. Tree frogs like to eat butterflies. However,…

  • Can Tree Frogs Eat Beetles: Know the Real Answer!

    Tree frogs are insectivores and eat a wide variety of insects when they live in the wild. However, if you want to have them as your pet, you do not need to worry about serving them all those variants. In fact, tree frogs require a very small amount of food. Tree frogs will eat any…