Are Black Eyed Tree Frogs Poisonous: Explore the Myths




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Black-eyed tree frogs are adorable. Their round-shaped, bulging eyes will charm you the moment you notice them. However, the thought of “Are black-eyed tree frogs poisonous?” might bother you.

The good news is that black-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous to humans. They are mostly found in Central and South America, where most of the frog species are non-poisonous. It makes them safe to touch and handle. You can also keep them as pets.

You must have heard a lot of misinformation about these little amphibians. Let’s explore the truth of their nature and how safe they are.

Black-Eyed Tree Frogs: An Overview

Black-eyed tree frogs are native frog species to the United States. Here are some other basic information about the amphibian:

Scientific NameAgalychnis moreletii
Lifespan5 years
Size2 to 3 inches
SubstrateABG covered in sphagnum
Tank Size18x18x24 Exo Terra Glass Terrarium
DietWax worms. Crickets, earthworms, etc.
SupplementCalcium, Vitamin D3

Are Black Eyed Tree Frogs Safe for Humans?

There are several misinformation and rumors regarding black-eyed tree frogs. One of them is that they are poisonous and, hence, are not safe for humans. Well, it is not true. They are not poisonous. However, they can secrete mucus through their skins, which cannot harm humans much.

In reality, black-eyed tree frogs are very safe. They are gentle in nature. Unlike some of the other frogs, they are not known for attacking people. They are not aggressive in nature and do not pose any threats to you. You can touch them safely.

Black-eyed tree frogs have teeth, however. They can use their teeth to bite you, but they are not strong enough to tear your skin. They are not venomous, either. So, if they bite you, just washing the bitten area will be safe for you. You do not need to see a doctor.

Are Black-Eyed Tree Frogs Safe for Pets?

Some species of frogs, such as gray tree frogs, are poisonous for pets. They secrete toxins through their skins to deter predators. Black-eyed tree frogs, on the other hand, usually do not have this ability. Their mucus is not strong enough to make other animals like cats or dogs ill.

Black-eyed tree frogs usually avoid interaction with humans or other animals that are bigger than them. There is no risk for your pets from black-eyed tree frogs’ part. However, sometimes dogs or cats might bother them. They can even ingest these frogs. Ingesting these tree frogs usually does not cause any complications to pet animals.

Do Black-Eyed Tree Frogs Bear Bacteria?

Black-eyed tree frogs prefer to live in high humidity. 60-70% is the ideal humidity for these frogs. Such temperature can lead to a bacterial infection on their skin. Here is a fact. Bacteria usually do not harm frogs. Frogs play the role of carrier and host to them.

Once humans or other animals touch black-eyed tree frogs, bacteria can infect the other animal. Therefore, you should always wash your hands after touching them. Though they might look healthy, they can still carry bacteria and other harmful germs.

If you have pet black-eyed tree frogs, then you should keep a large dish of fresh and clean water ready for them.

How to Handle Black-Eyed Tree Frogs Safely?

Once, the black-eyed tree frogs used to be plentiful in Central America. The population of this species has reduced significantly in recent years. Therefore, if they enter your house unwelcomely, you should handle them with care.

  • Wear gloves on your hands. It will save you from bacterial infection. Additionally, it will also save the frogs from any chemicals on your hands
  • You should not show sudden movements. Instead, approach gently so that the frog does not get scared
  • Support the body of the black-eyed tree frog with your hand when you grab them. Make sure you are not squeezing their delicate skin.
  • Release them safely to their natural habitat.
  • Wash your hands properly again before touching any food or your face.

Is It Safe to Have Pet Black-Eyed Tree Frogs?

Black-eyed tree frogs are one of the safest species of frogs to have as pets. They are not harmful in any way to you or to other pet animals. However, there are a few factors that you need to consider.

  • These adorable amphibians are highly sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity, and lighting. You will need to ensure consistency in their environment.
  • Like most other frogs, black-eyed tree frogs tend to avoid humans. Therefore, you will have limited interaction with your pet black-eyed tree frogs.
  • They require a diet of live insects, which can be costly and also less convenient for many people.
  • The lifespan of black-eyed tree frogs is very short. They can live up to 5 to 7 years in captivity.
  • These frogs are nocturnal and not very active during the day. It limits the chance of interaction between you and them even more.


1. Can black-eyed tree frogs cause salmonella transmission?

Most frogs are ideal carriers for bacteria such as salmonella. Black-eyed tree frogs can also cause their transmission to humans and other animals. You should, therefore, always wash your hands properly after touching them.

2. Can I touch black-eyed tree frogs with bare hands?

You can touch black-eyed tree frogs with bare hands since they are not poisonous. However, you should consider the potential risk of bacterial transmission. It is safe to wash your hands every time after you touch them.

3. Shall I use hand sanitizer before handling black-eyed tree frogs?

No, you should not use hand sanitizers or other chemicals before touching black-eyed tree frogs. They have very delicate and sensitive skin for chemicals. Their skin will absorb the chemicals from your hand and face serious complications.

4. Will it be safe to put black-eyed tree frogs with other frogs?

Black-eyed tree frogs require special treatment regarding their environment. It is very challenging to build an ideal tank for different species. Besides, there are some species of tree frogs that often attack and eat black-eyed tree frogs. 


Black-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous at all. These gentle and harmless little amphibians make excellent pets unless you want to hang out with your pet all the time. You should be careful while handling them. Do not provoke your pets to play or harm these frogs. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem.

About John Bennett

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