Are Pacific Tree Frogs Poisonous: Can I Touch Them?




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Pacific tree frogs are small in size, approximately 2 inches. They are of different colors, like green or brown. Some of them can also change their colors. You might find them adorable and would like to take home one of them. But “Are pacific tree frogs poisonous?” Is this thought bothering you?

Well, to your relief, pacific tree frogs are not poisonous. They are very gentle and harmless creatures. You can let them sit on your hands, and they are not going to bite you. However, sometimes, they may secrete weak toxins, which will not cause any complications.

Let’s explore more about these tiny amphibians and their habits. It will help you stay safe and restrain you from panicking after seeing them.

Pacific Tree Frogs: An Overview

Let’s have a quick introduction to these beautiful animals. The following table will provide you with the basic information about pacific tree frogs:

Scientific NamePseudacris regilla
LifespanIn the wild: up to 7 years   In captivity: up to 9 years
Size2 inches
Humidity50% – 80%
Temperature65ºF – 85ºF
SubstrateCoconut fiber
Tank Size12”x12”x18”
DietCrickets, waxworms, phoenix worms, blue bottle fly spikes, dubia roaches
AccessoriesWater dish, branches, vines, plants
SupplementCalcium and multivitamin

Are Pacific Tree Frogs Safe for Humans?

Yes, pacific tree frogs are quite safe for humans. They do not discharge poison through their skins when you touch them. Sometimes, however, they may release toxins that are not very strong. You will not feel anything more than simple irritation.

If you find them in the wild, it is better not to touch them. They may not intoxicate you, but they can still bear bacteria. Most frogs in the wild are ideal carriers for different types of bacteria. Even the healthy ones also contain bacteria. You can get ill if those bacteria can enter your bloodstream.

Nonetheless, if you have pet Pacific tree frogs, you can touch them. They will not mind sitting on your hands, either. Still, you should not bring them too close to your face or eyes.

Are Pacific Tree Frogs Safe for Pets?

Pacific tree frogs are very harmless. They only attack their prey like insects and worms. Other than that, they do not bite larger animals like dogs or cats. Additionally, they do not contain severe toxins. So, if your dogs or cats ingest them by any chance, you will not need to take them to hospitals.

Pets, especially dogs, like to attack tree frogs. You should discourage your dogs from doing so. These harmless amphibians play a crucial role in pest control. You should be kind to them. Do not mix any poison in the water they live in. They are extremely vulnerable to poison or other chemicals.

How Do Pacific Tree Frogs Defend Themselves?

You might wonder how pacific frogs defend themselves since they are not poisonous. They have some natural advantages that help them survive among predators.


Many tree frogs tend to camouflage themselves with their surroundings. Pacific tree frogs are experts in this art. These frogs can also change their color to match their surroundings. Frogs like red-eyed tree frogs are also good at camouflage. Are red-eyed tree frogs poisonous?

During the day, pacific tree frogs get mixed with the green leaves of trees and green grass. It becomes very difficult for their predators to identify them.

Nocturnal Behavior

Just like most other tree frogs, pacific tree frogs are also nocturnal. They do not roam around much in the daytime. In contrast, they become more active at night. They will search for food and mates during the night most of the time.

Arboreal Behavior

You can guess it from their name. Pacific tree frogs spend most of their time on trees and shrubs. Trees serve as a safe place for them when they are not in the wild. Besides, it is also easy to flee away from snakes when they are in the tree.


Despite their small sizes, pacific tree frogs have a loud vocal. They can make loud noises when they notice a predator. It often startles the predator, and they can move away from danger.

Fast and Responsive

Though they are not very big in size, Pacific tree frogs are fast. They can jump longer to escape danger. Additionally, they can respond to danger quickly. It makes catching these frogs a challenging task for their predators.

Do Pacific Tree Frogs Make Good Pets?

Pacific tree frogs have almost all the qualities of a good pet. They are gentle, harmless, and adorable. They also live a decent amount of years. However, there are a few factors that you should consider. For example,

  • They have specific habitat requirements, which are very difficult to maintain
  • Pacific tree frogs require a variety of foods to maintain a good diet. It will be costly for you to maintain a proper diet for these little frogs.
  • Keeping a Pacific tree frog might not be legal in some places.
  • You will have to keep your interaction limited with them. They have very delicate skin. Make sure you are not squeezing them.
  • You will not be able to cuddle them. These animals are very small in size, so it is not possible for humans to cuddle them. This often affects the depth of the relationship between a frog and its owner.

How to Handle Pacific Tree Frogs?

Though pacific tree frogs are not poisonous, you should maintain some caution. Here are a few safety steps you should remember while handling them:

  • Make sure to wash your hands properly before and after touching them.
  • Wear a pair of gloves in your hands. Do not touch eyes, nose, or your face without washing hands.
  • Approach the frog calmly. A rush in the movement can startle and scare your tiny friend.
  • In any case, if you have to touch them with your bare hands, keep your hands wet. It will reduce the intrusion of chemicals from your hands to their bodies.


1. Is it safe to touch pacific tree frogs?

Yes, it is usually safe to touch pacific tree frogs. They are not poisonous or venomous. They do not pose any threat to your life or health. The best they can do is secrete a mild toxin. That cannot do any harm to you, don’t worry.

2. Are pacific tree frogs venomous?

No, pacific tree frogs are not venomous. They do not have a stringer to ingest venom to other animals. It makes them quite safe as pets.

3. Can I put pacific tree frogs with other tree frogs?

Some tree frogs are poisonous and can do harm to other frogs. You should do proper research about the features of frogs before putting your pacific tree frogs with it.


Pacific tree frogs are not poisonous, and they make excellent pets. They are very less demanding, though there are a few factors to consider. Despite their small size, they can outsmart their predators using different natural advantages. You can have them as pets but do not forget to maintain some cautionary steps.

About John Bennett

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