Are Red Eyed Tree Frogs Poisonous: Do They Make Good Pets?




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Red-eyed tree frogs are one of the most adorable frogs. These frogs have bright colors, and their striking red colored eyes give them a vibrant look. It is no surprise if you want to have them as pets. But are red-eyed tree frogs poisonous? Are they safe to keep?

Red-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous and are one of the safest frogs to keep. The toxin they sometimes discharge cannot deter their main predators. You will not face any noticeable problems by touching them.

Let’s learn more about these amphibians, how they protect themselves, and how safe they are to be around.

About Red-Eyed Tree Frogs

Let’s have a quick glance at the features and attributions of these beautiful creatures:

Scientific NameAgalychnis callidryas
PreyInsects, bacteria, smaller frogs, plankton
Group BehaviorSolitary
Gestation Period6-10 days
ColorYellow, orange, green, blue, and red
HabitatAround ponds and rivers in tropical rainforests
Found inMexico, Central America, Colombia
Number Of Species1
Weight0.2 to 0.5 ounces
LifespanUp to five years
Length2-3 inches

Are Red Eyed Tree Frogs Safe for Humans?

Red-eyed tree frogs are completely safe for humans. This might sound startling. It is a common rule of nature that bright-colored animals are mostly poisonous. However, that is not true for these little amphibians.

In some cases, they may release some toxins from their skins. This especially occurs when they are in danger. However, the toxin is not very powerful. It cannot even deter their main predators from eating them.

If you touch a red-eyed tree frog, you will not face any problems. You may feel little irritation on your skin at most. Besides, these frogs are very polite and gentle. They are not known for being aggressive or attacking humans.

Additionally, red-eyed tree frogs are not venomous either. They do not have stingers to inject venom into other animals. They do not attempt to bite humans, either.

Are Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Safe for Pets?

Another thing that might concern you is if these amphibians are safe for your pets. Yes, they are. If you have cats or dogs, you do not need to worry about their health if there are so many red-eyed tree frogs in your area.

These amphibians are not poisonous or toxic enough to cause any complications to dogs and cats. While some tree frogs, such as gray or poison dart tree frogs, pose dangers, these beautiful frogs are safe.

Sometimes, your dog may ingest a red-eyed tree frog, but you do not need to worry. It will not cause any infection or disease in your dog.

How Do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Protect Themselves?

Being poisonous is beneficial for frogs. Most of the frogs in the wild contain some amount of poison or toxins. It helps them deter their predators by causing healthy complications. Red-eyed tree frogs, in contrast, do not have this advantage. They can protect themselves in the following ways:


These frogs are mostly striking green in color. It helps them get mixed with green leaves or grass. Their predators can hardly find them when they are wearing camouflage. They keep their bright red eyes closed to avoid attraction. They can be of different colors depending on the environment they live in.

Nocturnal Habits

Like most other frogs, they are also nocturnal. They are mostly active at night when their predators are not around. During the day, they fold their legs under their skin and so they get completely mixed with the green environment.


Red-eyed tree frogs are great jumpers and climbers. They can quickly jump away from dangers and predators. Besides, they are also good and quick swimmers. It makes them safe both in water and on land.

Is It Safe to Have Red-eyed Tree Frogs as Pets?

You can have red-eyed tree frogs as pets as they are very gentle in behavior. They do not attack humans. They are hardly known for biting their owners. Even if they do, they cannot tear your skin. You will feel like you are being bitten by a marshmallow.

Additionally, red-eyed tree frogs are safe to touch. You can hold them or place them on your hands. They will gently sit on you. However, there are a few factors that you need to consider:

  • Red-eyed gumtree frogs require a specific environmental condition to thrive.
  • These amphibians are arboreal and need a tall terrarium with plenty of space for climbing.
  • You have to ensure a consistent temperature and humidity level.
  • They are nocturnal and make much noise at night, which might be disturbing for you.
  • Red-eyed tree frogs need a specialized diet of live insects.


1. Is it safe to touch red-eyed tree frogs?

Yes, it is safe for humans to touch red-eyed tree frogs. They are not poisonous or venomous. They pose no danger to humans. If they bite you, it will not tear your skin, and you will not feel any irritation.

2. How long do red-eyed tree frogs live?

The lifespan of red-eyed tree frogs is not a big number and not a small one either. They survive a decent lifespan of five years in the wild. In captivity, it can change depending on the care they receive.

3. Are red-eyed tree frogs venomous?

No, red-eyed tree frogs are not venomous. Not at all. They do not have any stringer to inject poison or venom into other animals like insects or humans. It makes them an excellent choice for keeping pets.

4. Can red-eyed tree frogs secrete toxins through their skins?

Usually, red-eyed tree frogs do not secrete toxins. However, if they do it sometimes, that is not harmful. Their released toxins cannot fend off their predators. It does not cause any complications for humans either.

5. Are red-eyed tree frogs endangered?

Despite not having poison, red-eyed tree frogs are not endangered. They are the least endangered species of frogs by the IUCN Red List.

6. Do red-eyed tree frogs bite their owners?

It is rare for red-eyed tree frogs to bite their owners. However, they might sometimes do it, which is not harmful. You will not face any complications if you are bitten by these non-poisonous amphibians.


Red-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous, nor are they venomous. They are safe for humans and other pet animals. They have different defense mechanisms to protect themselves, thanks to their evolutionary history.

About John Bennett

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