Are Squirrel Tree Frogs Poisonous: Do They Make Safe Pets?




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Frogs make an excellent pet. They do not require much of your attention. You can take care of them during your leisure. Squirrel tree frogs, for example, are also very beautiful. But are squirrel tree frogs poisonous?

You do not need to worry about squirrel tree frogs. They are not poisonous. Though they can secrete toxins through their skins when in danger, that is not harmful to humans. However, you may avoid touching them as they have sensitive skin.

Let’s see how these small animals protect themselves, if they are safe for pets, and how good they are as pets.

Are Squirrel Tree Frogs Harmful to Humans?

Squirrel tree frogs are harmless to humans. These small amphibians primarily feed on insects and have no inclination to harm people. In contrast, they play a crucial role in controlling insect populations, which benefits humans.

Unlike most tree frogs, squirrels are not poisonous. They are quite safe to touch. However, you should avoid touching them in the wild. In most cases, frogs contain bacteria that can cause various diseases.

Besides, these harmless amphibians can sometimes contain toxins. It can cause irritation or trigger allergies in some people. It is safe to avoid going too near to them despite them being harmless and safe.

Are Squirrel Tree Frogs Poisonous to Pets?

Squirrel tree frogs are not poisonous to pets. They are less likely to cause any trouble to your dogs or cats. Squirrel tree frogs usually cannot produce toxins. Therefore, if your dogs or cats eat them, they will not suffer like they do after eating poisonous green tree frogs.

Nonetheless, squirrel tree frogs can sometimes discharge toxins through their skins. Their toxins, however, are not strong enough to cause any lasting issues or death. Squirrel tree frogs show different characteristics based on the environment. You should discuss this with a local veterinarian before encouraging interaction between your pets and these frogs.

How Do Squirrel Frogs Defend Themselves?

Being poisonous is a part of the defense mechanism of frogs. It saves them from being attacked by predators. Though they are not poisonous, they are not completely defenseless. Here is how they protect themselves from predators:


Squirrel frogs are mostly bright green in color. It gives them an advantage in camouflage. They can get mixed with leaves and grass and hide from dogs, snakes, birds, and cats.

Jumping and Climbing

Squirrel tree frogs are very agile and quick when it comes to jumping and climbing. They can quickly leap away from danger and climb up to trees for protection against dogs or snakes. Their rapidness makes them a difficult prey to catch.

Being Nocturnal

Like most other frogs, squirrel tree frogs are also nocturnal. It means that they are more active at night. It gives them safety against some of its common predators like cats and dogs. Also, the lack of light reduces the risk of exposure.


Ballooning is an interesting defensive act from squirrel tree frogs. They can inflate their neck with air, which might confuse and scare some of their predators. Watch this video to see how it looks.

Is It Safe to Have Pet Squirrel Tree Frogs?

You can keep squirrel tree frogs as pets. There are a few things that you may need to consider. Having them as pets has both pros and cons.

Pros of Having Squirrel Tree Frogs as Pets

  • Squirrel tree frogs are beautiful little creatures. Their bright green colors and distinctive markings make them adorable.
  • These frogs are not very demanding. You can maintain them with little time and care. They are not going to ask you to play or spend time with them.
  • They do not make much noise, unlike other frogs. If you want to have some quiet companions, then they are an excellent option.
  • Squirrel tree frogs are small in size. You can build a living space for them even if your apartment is tiny.
  • They eat a lot of various types of insects. You can find food for them very easily. Wondering if tree frogs eat dubia roaches?

Along with these benefits, squirrel tree frogs also have some demerits too.

Demerits of Tree Frogs as Pets

  • They have very delicate and sensitive skin. You will have to be very careful while dealing with them.
  • You will not have many interactions with them. You will find it joyous to feed them. However, you cannot take them for a walk or play ball with them.
  • Squirrel tree frogs have a short lifespan in captivity. They can live up to 3 to 5 years, which is very short even for frogs’ standards.
  • If you are a beginner animal enthusiast, you may find it challenging to keep the right environment for them. They have specific requirements regarding temperature and humidity.


1. Can squirrel tree frogs harm other frogs?

No, squirrel tree frogs are harmless to other frogs. They are quite peaceful animals. You can keep them with other species of frogs together. They are not going to harm them anyway.

2. Are squirrel tree frogs harmful or poisonous to dogs?

No, squirrel tree frogs are not usually poisonous to dogs or to other animals. They are not poisonous, so dogs will not face any complications if they eat them. However, frogs can contain various kinds of bacteria and germs. It is safer to discourage your pets’ interaction with frogs.

3. Are squirrel tree frogs poisonous to touch?

Tree frogs are not poisonous, and so are safe to touch. They hardly discharge any toxins through their skins. If they do, that is not even strong enough to cause any serious trouble for humans or other pet animals.

4. Are squirrel tree frogs good pets?

They are quiet and less demanding. You do not have to face much trouble in handling them. However, you will not have many interactions with these frogs either. So, they are easy to handle but may not be an ideal pet for everyone.


Squirrel tree frogs are harmless as they are neither poisonous nor venomous. They do not even produce harmful toxins. You can keep them as pets since they are not very demanding. You should not encourage your pets to harm them, either. They are beneficial for the ecosystem of nature and play a positive role in pest control.

About John Bennett

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