Can Tree Frogs Eat Mealworms: Is It Safe and Beneficial for Them?




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Tree frogs have an interesting way of leading their lives. Most of them are fascinating looking and are pretty harmless to humans. Therefore, their popularity is increasing as pets. However, people often get confused regarding their diet. For example, many wonder, “Can tree frogs eat mealworms?”

Tree frogs are insectivores, which means they not only can but also love to eat mealworms. You can add mealworms to the diet of baby tree frogs to adult ones. However, you should not make it their only food. Keep a good variation with other worms, larvae, insects, and other small-sized invertebrates. 

Are you a new pet tree frog owner? No worries. I will guide you on tree frog food habits, how you should feed your frogs, and what cautions to maintain.

Can Tree Frogs Eat Mealworms

Is It Safe to Feed Mealworms to Tree Frogs?

Adult tree frogs are carnivores. They like to eat insects smaller than their size. This includes various types of worms, such as earthworms and mealworms. Their digestive system is completely okay to deal with mealworms. 

Feeding tree frogs mealworms do not have any side effects. However, you should buy your insects from a trusty source. Additionally, do not keep feeding them mealworms only, especially baby tree frogs. Check this blog to learn about the diet habits of baby tree frogs

As long as you are not solely relying on mealworms as the nutrition source for your tree frogs, it is safe for them. 

Benefits of Mealworms for Tree Frogs

Mealworms are not only safe for tree frogs; they are a nutrition source for tree frogs. Mealworms provide them with the necessary nutrients. They are a great source of protein. Let’s see what are the benefits of mealworms for tree frogs:

  • Mealworms are a good source of protein as well as other nutrients necessary for frogs. It contributes to their growth and physical development. 
  • Mealworms are not expensive. You can get them at a very low price, and considering the food value, they are highly cost-effective. 
  • You can create a variation to their diet with the addition of mealworms. Such variety is important for their growth and development. 

Factors to Consider When Feeding Tree Frogs Mealworm

Yes, mealworms are great food for your tree frogs. However, you still need to consider a few factors to make sure they are getting the full benefits of the food. The following table will help you with this:

Size The size of the mealworms is an important factor. It is better to provide your frogs with an ideal-size mealworm that are not too small and not too large in size. 
FrequencyYou should feed your tree frogs regularly. But make sure you are not overfeeding them. Usually, they need to be fed 2-3 times a week.
Gut-loadingYour frogs will get nutrients from mealworms. So, you need healthy worms that can meet the required nutrition amount for your frogs. Feeding the worms healthy food is an important factor you should consider. 
Potential risksSome frogs can be allergic to mealworms. So, feeding them mealworms can affect their health negatively. Therefore, you look after your frogs for their reaction to mealworms before you decide to continue. 

How to Tree Frogs Mealworms?

Now that you know the factors you should consider, it is time for you to learn how to feed them properly. Here is a step-by-step guide on feeding them properly:

As mentioned earlier, “gut-loading” can be a very healthy step for your frogs. Try to feed the worms healthy and fresh vegetables 12-24 hours prior to giving them to your frogs. 

Mealworms are high in protein and some other nutrients. But they do not contain all the nutrients required for a healthy frog life, which is natural. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement them. You can dust the mealworms with calcium and /or D3 and multivitamin supplements. 

While adding supplements, you can maintain a rotation routine. Add calcium supplements three days a week, and three days of D3 vitamin, while multivitamin supplements for one day a week. It will ensure a healthy life for your frogs.

What Other Foods Do Tree Frogs Eat?

Tree frogs eat a variety of foods in the wild. And if you want to pet one in your house, you should also provide them with different types of foods. Mealworms are good for them, but you must give them other foods too. Here are some foods that these frogs like to have:

HornwormsHigh in calciumn/a
SilkwormsContain high protein and low fatn/a
NightcrawlersContain high protein and low fatThese worms are long in size. You will need to chop them 
EarthwormContain high protein and low fatThese worms are long in size. You will need to chop them
SuperwormsBoth adults and toads like them These worms have shells and contain high amounts of fat. They can also bite your pet
Butter wormsBoth adults and toads like them Contain high fat and so should not be fed regularly
WaxwormsIdeal for large frogsHigh in fat
Phoenix Worms         Contain high protein and low fatYou need to poke them before feeding frogs
Red Wigglers          Easy to get at pet storesThese worms are long in size. You will need to chop them. Some tree frogs do not like to eat them either.
Bloodworms         Both adult and toads like them Not very nutritious. They lack calcium and can lead to bloating in frogs
Freeze Dried Bloodworms Saves you from dealing with living wormsNot an ideal food choice for a pet frog

Why Are Your Tree Frogs Not Eating Mealworms?

You are giving mealworms, but the frogs are not eating them? Well, there can be multiple reasons for that. Check the below list and see which can be the cause for such behavior of your frogs. 

It Is in a New Place  

Did you bring your frog only recently? Then it can be a natural issue for the frog not to eat. It has nothing to do with mealworms. Instead, it is still under stress or feeling shy in the new environment. Give it some time to get used to the new place. 

You can take a simple step to help the frog adjust to the new environment faster. You can hand-feed the frog or use a tong. It will give the frog some reassurance and support it to adapt to the change in the environment. If you notice it is not comfortable in your presence, then leave it alone for some time to relax. It will automatically come around. 

Check the Time

Most tree frogs are nocturnal. They hunt for food at night. If you are giving them food in the daytime, they are most likely not to eat them. However, there can be exceptions for individual frogs. Experiment with the time to figure out the best time to feed your frogs. 

Size of the Mealworm

Since your frog will love to hunt its prey, you need to ensure you are giving it too large a mealworm. It will make it difficult for them to hunt the worms. Offering them very small worms is not advisable either. Chop the worms if they are too big to consume by your frogs. 

The Temperature of the Environment

You should also check the temperature of the tank in which you have kept your frogs. Don’t forget that frogs are cold-blooded animals. They do not feel comfortable in low temperatures. It makes them lazy and decreases their appetite. Take experts to help maintain an optimal temperature. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will tree frogs eat dried mealworms?

Tree frogs usually do not like to eat dried mealworms unless they are too hungry to care. However, American green tree frogs like to consume dried mealworms. They have adapted to a slight diet habit than their other family members. 

2. Can tree toads eat mealworms?

Toads or baby tree frogs prefer various kinds of prey, including mealworms. They learn to hunt worms naturally in the wild or in a tank. But if you are keeping a toad as a pet, do not provide it with bigger mealworms than its size. 

3. Do tree frogs eat vegetables?

No, they do not. Grown tree frogs are carnivores, and they do not like to eat any kind of vegetables or food. Their digestive system and taste buds are not suited for such food items.

4. When should I feed my tree frogs?

Most tree frogs are nocturnal and so like to eat or hunt at night. So, you had better offer food to your frogs at night. But in case your frog has a different preference, act accordingly. Do some experiments to find the best time. 


Maintaining a healthy diet for your pet tree frogs is very important. While mealworms can be a good addition to their diet, make sure you are not making it a stable food. Have variations in their food system and do follow the given instructions. You will be a good owner of your pet. 

About John Bennett

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