Do People Keep Poisonous White Tree Frog in Florida




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Though white tree frogs are not native to Florida, you will still see them often there. People like to keep them as pets because of their unique milky white coating. You may wonder why people keep poisonous white tree frogs as pets in Florida.

The truth is white tree frogs are not poisonous or toxic. There is no big danger in touching them or letting them sit on your hands. However, you should wear gloves while touching them so that their protective coating does not get removed.

There are some interesting features about these frogs. Let’s explore different facts about these fascinating white tree frogs and how they make such good pets.

White Tree Frogs: An Overview

Scientific NameLitoria caerulea
LifespanUp to 20 years
Size10 to 15 centimeters
Humidity60-90% humidity
SubstrateFinely ground coconut fiber is ideal for them
Tank Size10-gallon glass tank or larger for a single frog
DietCrickets, moths, cockroaches, beetles, grasshoppers, and earthworms
SupplementVitamin D3

White Tree Frogs in Florida

As mentioned already, white tree frogs are not native to Florida or the United States. They are mostly found in Australia, New Guinea, and other nearby regions. Due to their docile nature and charming appearance, people like to keep them as pets.

White tree frogs are also known as Australian green tree frogs. Australian green tree frogs are not the same as the green tree frogs. Are green tree frogs poisonous? They are good climbers and can survive in dry conditions as well. Their survival in dry conditions is helped by the white coating they have on their skin.

White Tree Frogs Are Not Venomous

A common threat for animals that are not poisonous is that they are often venomous. But that is not the case for white tree frogs. They are not known for attacking other animals.

Frogs, in general, are not venomous. There are only two species of frogs that are venomous. And white tree frogs are not one of them. Though they have vibrant colors and secrete mucus to deter predators, they are not venomous. They are safe for handling and touching.

Are White Tree Frogs Safe for Humans?

White tree frogs are very safe for humans. They cannot discharge poison through their skins. It makes them very safe. However, some white tree frogs can sometimes release mucus that is toxic, but only mildly. It will not cause much problem for you.

Though white tree frogs are not poisonous, it is not completely safe to play with the wild ones. They can often contain harmful bacteria that can cause different diseases.

Are White Tree Frogs Safe for Pets?

Pet owners often do not want to keep frogs as other pets often attack them. But the positive thing is white tree frogs are not poisonous or harmful to other pets. They do not show aggressive behavior like biting or jumping on other animals.

Sometimes, pet dogs or cats ingest pet frogs. It often makes them seriously ill. If you already have other pets, then these frogs are a safer option. In case your dogs or cats ingest them, they will not become sick. White tree frogs do not discharge any poisonous chemicals through their skin.

Why People Keep White Tree Frogs as Pets

People like to keep white tree frogs for a number of reasons, for example:

  • First of all, white tree frogs are not poisonous or venomous. They are very safe and harmless charming creatures.
  • Their round bodies, large eyes, and white coating over their skin make them visually appealing and adorable.
  • You can maintain these beautiful amphibians at a very affordable cost. They require a simple setup with proper humidity and temperature.
  • Unlike most other frogs, white tree frogs are peaceful and quiet. They do not make much noise, not even at night.
  • They are not going to disturb you when you are working. Their limited interaction makes it easy to maintain them for those who are very busy.
  • White tree frogs have a long lifespan. They can survive up to 20 years if you feed them properly.
  • Watching them jump and climb inside their tank will make you happy and reduce anxiety and tiredness.


1. Is it safe to touch white tree frogs?

Yes, it is safe to touch white tree frogs as long as they are not wild ones. They are not poisonous, and the mucus they discharge is not harmful. Touching them will not cause any complications.

2. What do white tree frogs eat in the wild?

White tree frogs usually feed on insects and other small invertebrates in the wild. They consume a variety of insects, including flies, crickets, ants, moths, and beetles. They use their tongue to capture prey when it comes near striking distance.

3. Do white tree frogs secrete toxic mucus?

White tree frogs can sometimes secrete mucus on their skin. It is a common trait among amphibians. However, the mucus they discharge is not toxic and not harmful to humans or pets.

4. Can white tree frogs live with other frogs?

White tree frogs are very gentle and polite. They do not show aggressive behavior. They can happily live with other frogs. However, you should be careful about the other species. Some frogs are not friendly with other frogs and can harm them.

5. Is it legal to keep white tree frogs as pets in Florida?

Though many wildlife species in Flore require legal permission to keep, that is not applicable for white tree frogs. They are non-poisonous and harmless, gentle creatures. Therefore, they are legal to keep as pets.


White tree frogs are not poisonous and are a very unique-looking amphibian. And that’s the reason why they are very popular in the United States, especially in Florida. People like to keep them as pets because of their gentle behaviors. You can touch and handle them without fearing getting poisoned.

About John Bennett

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